Rich in breathtaking natural, historical, and cultural landscapes, Armenia offers countless fascinating attractions to the curious and adventurous traveler. With many mountains, rivers, deep gorges, caves, waterfalls, healing mineral springs, and lush forests, the country will never ceases to impress. Before transitioning to the worship of national deities, Armenians were nature worshippers and upon visiting the country it becomes clear why.
Despite Armenia’s relatively small geographic size, the country is home to diverse fauna and flora. Armenian flora covers over 3,500 species, out of which 108 are endemic to the area. The Armenian fauna has 17,000 animal species. Bird-watchers from all around the world come to Armenia due to its diverse wildlife, over 350 bird species have been recorded in Armenia. In the northern part of the country lives a brown bear, lynx, wild boar, deer, Wild Armenian Goat, Squirrel, Jackal, Mole, Prairie Dog, Marten, Royal Stag and Nutria. In the mountain steppes live foxes, wolves, badgers, hares, moufflons, etc. In the Lake Sevan are found some kind of specific species of fish such as Sig, Koghak and most famous Armenian red-spotted trout (known “Ishkhan” by locals which means “a prince”).