A study by Outdoor gear specialists Cotswold Outdoor reveals the world’s top capital cities for backpackers to visit this year.

Armenia’s capital Yerevan has been revealed as the top destination for backpackers in 2023, Baku, Bangkok, Hanoi and Seoul complete the top five.

With some of the cheapest average hostel prices ($14 p/ night) and low public transport costs ($0.25 per trip), Armenia’s capital Yerevan ranks first.

The city is the 5th safety capital city and home to a wealth of hostels (278) to choose from.
A basic grocery shop in the Armenian capital also comes at a reasonable cost of $13, for essentials like fruit, rice, eggs, bread, and milk.
As for its choice of free attractions, the city ranks more mid-range offering 105 in total.
With approximately 44 million backpacking trips being taken each year, research estimates the average pend per trip is $4,111 (2017). Analyzing 80+ capital cities, a Cotswold Outdoor study reveals the best 2023 destinations for backpackers, looking at the average likely costs (public transport, groceries, and hostels) along with crime rates, mobile internet speeds and the number of couch surf hosts and free attractions available.







Latest news and events in Armenia

Armenian Air Fest VI

Discover Armenia from heaven


Visit extraordinary places on unique trips that include activities and accommodations

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Ski or Snowboarding at Tsaghkadzor

Horseback Riding in Armenia

Cycling and Mountain Biking in Armenia

Ancient sites

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Amberd Fortress




Religious sites

Armenian Churches and Monasteries

Sevanavank Monastery

Goshavank Monastery

Sanahin Monastery

Haghpat Monastery